We couldn’t do it without you
Volunteer at the Copenhagen Marathon
Together we will create the best setting for thousands of Danish and international participants and spectators, who each year come to Copenhagen to have an amazing and unforgettable running experience at the Copenhagen marathon. To create this experience requires hundreds of volunteers during the event days.
We already collaborate with many sports clubs and associations, where the members and parents volunteer to help earn an economic contribution to their club. We also have many volunteers who come alone or together with friends or family to have a fun and different day.
As a thank you for your help, you will receive a nice crew jacket and food and beverages while working. As more, you will have a cozy and fun experience and get to know a lot of new people. At the same time you will experience the Copenhagen Marathon up close and see how a big event like this is organised.
Tasks that your club can help with:
- Hand out race bibs
- Hand out t-shirts
- Show the direction to the many participants
- Hand out water and energy at the refreshment zones
- Hand out medals
- Help with photography
- Hand out food or water
Payment – from sports life to club life
As a CVR registered club/association you will receive 100 DKK per hour per volunteer you provide.
That way, your club/association has the opportunity to earn some extra money by helping at our events. The clubs we already work with often use the money for e.g. training camps or new training equipment.
At the same time, it is a fantastic opportunity to create new or stronger relations between the sports clubs and associations that go beyond just the volunteer work at events. Inspiration and networking is one thing that is beneficial for both us and the clubs and association that help at our events.
Sign up to volunteer
If this sounds as something you or your club would like to be a part of please email our Volunteer Coordinator. Please notice you must be at least 15 years old to volunteer.
You are also always welcome to email if you have any questions.