Get your answer

Use our FAQ to find answers to your questions regarding entering and participating in Copenhagen Marathon.

  • Everyone who is at least 16 years old in the year of the event, and are healthy and able to complete the entire distance on their own can participate. It is not possible to participate if you have not turned 16 years old in the year of the event due to the distance.

    Blind or disabled people are very welcome to participate and are allowed to have a guide with them. If the guide wants to have a registered time, T-shirt, medal, etc. on an equal footing with the other participants of the race, it is necessary for the guide to register as well. If the guide doesn’t want the items mentioned, the guide must contact our customer service.

    Special equipment, including running strollers, is only allowed after prior agreement with the organizer. Everyone running with a running stroller must show consideration and at all times respect the instructions of the officials, including any instructions regarding placement in the field.

  • Companies, clubs and other groups wanting to enter and possibly pay for all entries at once have the possibility of getting a company profile. You can choose whether the administrator registers all participants or whether you receive a link where the individual participants should register themselves.

    To create a company profile please send an email to [email protected].

  • The online entry is open until race start given the race is not sold out. In addition it is also possible to sign up physically at the Help desk at the Copenhagen Marathon Expo or on race day.

    Please notice that you must have time to pick up your race bib before race start. You can pick up your race bib as regularly unless you register on race day then you must pick up your race bib at theHelp desk.

  • Everyone who enter the race will receive a receipt by email and will appear on the entry list. Please check this yourself.

    If you do not receive any receipt or confirmation, it may be in your  spam filter, that you have provided the wrong email when entering, or that your entry has not gone through. In this case, please contact customer service.

Entry profile
  • If your personal data changes after you have registered, please log in to your entry profile with the login information you have received by email and update your personal data.

    It is your responsibility to keep all information up to date at all times. It is especially important that we have your correct email address and mobile number registered, as all information is sent by email or SMS.

  • Yes. In your entry profile under ‘Public Name Permission’ choose ‘no, thanks’ and afterwards you will only appear with initials on entry and results lists.

    Your name will no longer appear on the entry list, but you will still be able to search for your profile in the results list you just have to search for your bib number instead of name.

  • Yes. When you enter the race or log in to your entry profile you can choose ‘neutral nationality’ as your nationality. Afterwards your nationality will not appear on entry and results lists as well as on your race bib.

  • Yes. In your entry profile under ‘Public Photo and Video Permission’ choose ‘no, thanks’ and afterwards your live photos and video will be removed from the results lists.

    Please notice if you want to keep the photos and video yourself you must download the files before as you no longer will have access to them either.

Transfer your entry
  • According to the Consumer Agreement on online trading the buyer has no right of withdrawal, as recreational leisure activities are not included in the agreement. However, it is possible to transfer your entry to another person.

  • Yes. On our Resale platform, you can both buy, sell, and transfer starting numbers – easily and securely.

    Please note that it is not the Copenhagen Marathon that sells numbers. We simply facilitate the contact and ensure that everything happens under proper conditions.

    Read more about the possibilities via the link below.

  • The race is started by the starting shot, after which the seeded elite and then the other participants cross the starting line.

    The start takes about 25 minutes. To ensure the best possible start and race experience for all participants, please make sure to start in the correct start group.


  • For safety reasons, it is important that you are correctly registered as a participant and do not run with someone else’s race bib.

    In this way, we can be sure that the information registered on your bib is your own information, and we have the possibility to contact your relatives if necessary.

  • Running with a baby jogger should be avoided due to the distance, risk of extreme weather conditions, loud noises or other conditions that may be too intense for small children.

    All runners with a baby jogger must show the greatest possible consideration and always respect the instructions of the officials, including any instructions regarding their position in the field.

  • The participant’s official time is a net time where the time starts when the runner crosses the start line. There is a cut off time at 6 hours net for the entire distance and 3 hours net at the half marathon mark.

    This is because we only have roads available for a certain period. That being said, the finish area is the last thing we take down, and we would like everyone to cross the finish line, so keep running until you hear otherwise.

  • It is not prohibited to run with headphones, but we recommend that you refrain from doing so. You should be able to hear officials if they need to contact you and the other runners.

Still missing an answer?

Still can’t find an answer to your question? Then you are always welcome to send us an email to [email protected].