Energy guide for Copenhagen Marathon
It takes practice and experience to find out which energy supplements that works for you and your stomach so you know what to eat and drink in the days before, in the morning and during your marathon. Use your long runs during the last couple of months leading up to the race to practice your nutrition plan so you gain experience with:
- What breakfast works for you
- When to have your breakfast
- Your morning toilet routines
- How to take in enough fluids especially the day before a run
- Which energy supplements you prefer during a run
- How to carry and consume your supplements while running in your marathon pace
The goal is to find the best and easiest way for you to take in and digest the required amount of energy, and the only way to figure out what works for you is by testing, experimenting and adjusting.
Your energy intake
Carbohydrates are your primary source of energy during a marathon. 3-4 days before your marathon you should start taking in more fluids and increasing the share of carbohydrates in your diet while cutting protein and fat.
Good sources of carbohydrate are:
- Rice
- Pasta
- Potatoes
- Fruit and vegetables
- Bread
On race day, it is important that you get a carbohydrate-based breakfast that works for you.
Don’t eat or drink anything you have not tried before running.
Breakfast suggestions:
- Oatmeal with fruit and sugar
- Bun with jam or honye + fruit
- Drink a 1-1.5 liter of water
- A cup of coffee is a good idea so you can go to the toilet before the start.
As a rule of thumb, you can absorb an average of up to 60 grams of sugar (glucose) and 1 liter of fluid per hour. This corresponds to a maximum of 3 gels or bananas and 3-4 cups of water per hour. When it’s hot, the body can absorb less sugar.
Energy intake suggestion:
- A bar, banana or a gel before the start
- Take the first gel after about 30 minutes of running
- Then take 2 gels per hour
- Always drink water at each refreshment zone.
3 questions about hydration
Start the morning by drinking 500 ml of HIGH5 Energy Drink to provide 45 g of carbohydrates and hydration. During the race, you should drink 5-600 ml of fluids per hour. Feel free to drink both water and energy drink in the aid stations, as the body needs both the water and the energy and electrolytes in the energy drink.
Yes, you do. We recommend that you drink a little at each hydration station. This way you are sure to maintain your fluid balance and get the energy your body needs – especially in the second half of the race.
At the Copenhagen Marathon, the cups in the aid stations are made of cardboard. A good trick is to squeeze the cup a little at the top to make it look like a funnel. This makes it easier for you to drink while running without the liquid splashing over your face.
Most people use energy gels during a marathon as they are easy to carry, consume and digest. High5 is the official energy sponsor at the Copenhagen Marathon and their products will be available at the refreshment zones on the course.
A golden rule for marathons is: Don’t try anything new on Race Day. This applies to shoes, clothing and energy intake. That’s why we recommend using High5 energy during your training so you know how your body reacts.