7 tips for your winter training
12. December 2024

It can be a challenge to put on your running shoes when it’s cold and dark outside. Here you can get our 7 best tips for maintaining your training during the dark season. Use the ones that work for you and have a great run.


Good tips for running in the winter

1. Prepare in advance
Lay out your running gear the night before if you plan to train in the morning. Or do it in the morning if you intend to exercise when you get home from work or your studies. This way, you can jump straight into your running shoes, and your mind won’t have much time to come up with excuses to stay on the couch.

2. Commute running
There are many ways to incorporate exercise into your daily routines. For example, you can run to or from work – combining commute and exercise. If the distance is too far, you can ride your bike or use public transport part of the way and run the rest.

3. Do your warm up indoors  
It’s essential to warm up properly when it’s cold outside. While your muscles will cope fine because of increased blood circulation, tendons and joints always take longer. Complete your warm-up indoors so you can start your run as soon as you open the front door. Also, turn on your GPS watch in time so you don’t have to stand in the cold to wait for a signal.

4. Make plans
Schedule running appointments with friends, colleagues, or join group training sessions. Running with others is enjoyable and motivating, and it feels more obligatory to leave the house when someone is waiting for you.

5. Follow a program
Sticking to a running program is not exclusive to those aiming for a personal record. It’s also a great way to ensure you get your training done since you always know when, how far, and how fast you need to run. If you want to you can download one of our free programs here.

6. Choose your course
Plan your course so that you run on well-lit paths and avoid areas that may be icy or poorly maintained. It can also be a good idea to run with a light, such as a headlamp or similar, both for your own visibility and so that others can see you.

7. Enjoy your run
You don’t have to push yourself to the limit with every run. It’s okay to run just to maintain fitness and preserve motivation. Consider it a gift to have an hour for running – not an obligation. Enjoy it!