Running with others is fun, effective and motivating. And it’s just easier to push yourself and get better than when you’re on your own.
That’s why Sparta Athletics & Running is organizing free group training all the way up to the Copenhagen Marathon on May 11th.
You’re welcome to join as many Sundays as you like. And you don’t need to sign up beforehand – you just show up. We recommend that you join our Facebook group if you want to run along. Here the routes and any changes will be updated regularly.
We run every Sunday at 9:00 am from November 17 until the Copenhagen Marathon in May. We meet at the running track at Østerbro Stadium, Gunnar Nu Hansens Plads 11, and we look forward to seeing you.
You’ll find toilets, changing rooms and lockers for luggage in Idrætshuset at Østerbro Stadium. Bring a padlock if you want to lock your belongings in one of the lockers.
There is a refreshment station on most courses. See more on the plan at the bottom of this page. Please bring a folding cup to minimize the use of packaging as much as possible.
Pace groups
There will be pace groups running at the following paces (min/km): 4:30, 4:45, 5:00, 5:15, 5:30, 5:45, 6:00 and 6:15.
Pick your pace group
We recommend that you choose the pace group that runs 30-60 seconds slower than your anaerobic threshold. To put it simply, your anaerobic threshold is the maximum pace you can run for one hour without a break.
All group workouts begin with a 10-minute warm-up. This is 45-60 seconds slower per kilometer than the pace group’s base pace. This applies to all pace groups. This means that if you join the group running 5:00 min/km, you begin by running at pace 5:45-6:00 min/km for the first 10 minutes.
Tempo runs
On most group training sessions leading up to Copenhagen Marathon 2025, we have included tempo runs along the way. Here the pace is set so that you run 15 seconds faster than the group’s basic pace. You can see the duration of the individual tempo runs in the plan for the group training overview below.
When there are several consecutive tempo runs on the same run, there will be jog breaks in between instead of passive breaks. Jog is performed as a warm-up pace.
Cool down
The last two kilometers of each run are done at an easy pace. This means that we slow down and run 15 seconds slower than the group’s base pace. If you for instance follow the group running 5:00 min/km, you will run 5:15 min/km for the last two kilometers.
Some of the sunday runs for the group training will be run in LSD – Long Slow Distance. This simply means that the run takes place at a base pace all the way. Your choice of base pace should therefore be calm.
November 2024
Distance & water
Se the course
21 km
December 2024
Distance & water
See the course
74 km – 90,1 km.
January 2025
Distance & water
See the course
73 km
February 2025
Distance & water
Se ruten
96 km
March 2025
Distance & water
See the course
94 – 110,1 km
April 2025
Distance & water
See the course
81 km
May 2025
Distance & water
See the course
54,195 km