It’s just a finish line – not the end!

You did it, 42.195 km!

Get your Finisher medal

Everyone who completes the Copenhagen Marathon will get a Finisher medal just after crossing the finish line – such a huge accomplishment requires a medal!

Find your result

After passing the finish line your result will be available in the app and on the website. There you can find both your finish time, split times and ranking.

Renew your energy

We provide you with post-race snacks, water and energy drinks in the finish area to help you recover from the many kilometers.

Get your memories from the race
Photos and video

During the race we make sure to take live photos and video of all runners when passing specific points on the course. You will find your photos in your results profile as soon as you finish.

Celebration photo

All runners have the possibility of getting a free personal celebration photo. You kan get your picture taken by our photographers in Runners’ Area. You will find your photo in your result profile after it is taken and it will also be included in your personal finisher video.

Finisher video

Shortly after the race, we will also have a finisher video ready for you, with your live pictures, live videos and your celebration photo if you had one taken. The video will be available in your result profile as soon as it is ready.

Hang out in Runners’ Area

Meet your friends and family in Runners’ Area, which is located in the Fælledpark behind the start and finish area.

There will be food and drink stalls so you can all refuel on energy after your friends and family have watched you cross the finish line.

In our Runners’ Area you will also be able to ring the PR bell, get your celebration photo taken or watch the rest of the race on a big screen.

How to recover after a marathon

It’s important to recover properly after a race.

That’s why we’ve teamed up with two experts from Team Denmark, nutritionist Pernille Krogh Björklund and doctor Mads Münster Karlsson.

They advise some of Denmark’s best athletes on a daily basis and here they give some good advice on how diet, rest and exercise can help you recover after a marathon.

Additional things after the finish line
  • You can choose to get your name and finish time engraved in your medal for a small fee. You will find the medal engraving in the finish area.

  • You can find, download, print and share your diploma from your result profile shortly after the race.